Hi, I’m Courtney Pantoja

I’m incredibly passionate about freeing up space for business owners to do what they do best. It started back in 2015, when I opened my first business, A Dash of Joy, where I created interactive dessert bars for weddings and events. I created this business from my deep (and I mean deeeeeeeeeeeep) love of desserts. After a few years, I realized that what I loved most about my business was mostly behind the scenes; creating a seamless client journey, testing out new platforms and systems, and digging into the how of a new idea. I also realized that most of my colleagues, who were amazing event professionals, were drowning behind the scenes trying to scale their businesses because for them doing all the behind-the-scenes work was the opposite of what they loved most about their businesses.

Come 2019, I closed my dessert business and started working with a coach to figure out what I was going to do next. It was scary and exciting at the same time. I landed on operations consulting, using my expertise and natural genius zone to create and implement systems that provided my clients with more freedom and ease to spend time doing the tasks that they love and generate the most revenue.

Then, I took a leap of faith and joined Collective Gain, one of my early consulting clients, as their full-time Director of Operations. I spent 3 and a half years taking Collective Gain from working almost entirely off of Google Sheets to a fully robust back-end system that now allows the company to coach a high volume of clients through large-scale coaching engagements with companies. I also designed and implemented the back-end system of their coaching membership platform, which was my favorite project.

Over time, my desire to begin working one-on-one with business owners again was rekindled, which brings us to today. My utmost wish is for you, as a business owner, to feel supported, grounded and empowered by your business to do what you do best.

Some fun facts about me:

Human Design: Manifestor | Enneagram: 3 | Sun Sign: Taurus | Rising Sign: Sagittarius

I live in sunny Orlando, Florida with my wonderful husband, toddler son, and baby daughter. When I’m not dreaming about the HOW for your business, you can usually find me at the pool or Disney World with my family. I am a huge foodie and love trying local spots for all types of food - just ask me about my Google Maps and how I track my favorite food finds. My love for desserts, in particular, runs deep, and I am most in my happy place when I can go to a local pastry/dessert shop, buy at least 10 items, and then cut a piece off of every single one so that I can try them all in one sitting, ideally with friends and coffee. Why try one dessert, when you can try them ALL?

Connect with me

Book a discovery call below or email me at partnerinhow@gmail.com.